Present Values

José Edmundo Ocampo Reyes To confront the moral errors of what is perceived honestly, but is also beloved, respected, and deservedly admired! Present Values is a brave book, as well as an intelligent and beautiful one. I suspect that few people could have written it....

Mother Said, I Want Your Pain

Naoko Fujimoto In Naoko Fujimoto’s “Mother Said, I Want Your Pain”, there are rooms without doors nor windows. Time becomes ecstatic and intimate. The reader walks into these rooms allured by the unadorned but skillful language, the spectral beauty of the imagery and...

The Riddle of Longing

Faisal Mohyuddin In form and free verse, Faisal Mohyuddin delivers truth on behalf of the displaced. In The Riddle of Longing polished and powerfully controlled poems make you want to scream in frustration at the unjust world, but they also enlighten us. Faisal...

The Ocean Between Us

Beatriz Fernandez Beatriz Fernandez artfully weaves together dazzling imagery and alluring sounds to create concrete visions of Puerto Rico, Florida, and a geography of loss. With the ability to use the perfect words to describe imperfect times, she poses questions...


Cynthia Parker-Ohene Like a traditional griot, Cynthia Parker-Ohene creates a world of wonder(ment). “Core Black Lives” are depicted in striking images that highlight places and pieces of history. The poems in Drapetomania are composed of a lush, crisp language that...

Memory of a Girl

Aozora Brockman In Memory of a Girl, memory loss is magnified through narrative poems wrought with intimate, familial Japanese terms & cultural customs. There’s the anguish of witnessing and caring for someone losing memories, but along with despair and...