Tara Betts
7×7 kwansabas brims with flashes of imagery. Words slam into each other as if in a race against time to define the characters she embodies her poems with. She primes her pen, revealing intricate details into the lives of the famous. The likes of Katherine Dunham, Tupac Shakur, Michael Jackson, and Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan rise up on the page, allowing the reader to discover and rediscover them.

Tara Betts is the author of Break the Habit (Trio House Press) and Arc & Hue (Willow Books). She teaches at the University of Illinois-Chicago and lives in Chicago. She has appeared on HBO’s Def Poetry Jam and her work has appeared in Essence Magazine, Callaloo, Drum Voices Revue, WSQ, Columbia Poetry Review, Ninth Letter, Hanging Loose, and Drunken Boat.