Hannah Mahoney
These skillfully crafted haiku are the product of sensitive observation of nature and of human relationships. Each poem is the distillation of a moment of sharp perception and is presented in a way that is suggestive rather than telling. On the whole, this collection reads as a meditation on what is most meaningful in life. Many of these poems will linger in your mind long after you close the pages of this book.
Hannah Mahoney is a featured poet in New Resonance 12; her haiku and senryu have appeared in numerous journals, as well as in Gratitude in the Time of COVID-19: The Haiku Hecameron, The Prune Juice Book of Senryu, and two Red Moon Press anthologies. She is a recipient of both the Kaji Aso International Haiku Award and the Kaji Aso International Senryu Award. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and works in children’s publishing.
ISBN #978-1-7363467-6-1
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