José Edmundo Ocampo Reyes

To confront the moral errors of what is perceived honestly, but is also beloved, respected, and deservedly admired! Present Values is a brave book, as well as an intelligent and beautiful one. I suspect that few people could have written it.

José Edmundo Ocampo Reyes, born and raised in the Philippines, is the author of the chapbook Present Values (Backbone Press, 2018), winner of the Jean Pedrick Chapbook Award from the New England Poetry Club. His poems have previously appeared in various Philippine and U.S. journals and have been anthologized in The Powow River Anthology, Villanelles, The Achieve Of, The Mastery: Filipino Poetry and Verse from English, mid-‘90s to 2016, and No Tender Fences: An Anthology of Immigrant and First-Generation American Poetry.

ISBN: 978-0-9994659-3-6
E-version available via Paypal